CityJSON Metadata

It is recommended to define metadata for the 3D City Model in the respective param.json. While a minimum example with a brief explanation of the metadata parameters are given here the reader is encouraged to explore the comprehensive CityJSON Specifications.

Table of contents

  1. Title
  2. referenceDate
  3. referenceSystem
  4. pointOfContact
  5. +metadata-extended


    "cjsn_title": "LoD1 City Model of rural village, Mamre, Cape Town",


    "cjsn_referenceDate": "2021-07-31",


Coordinate reference system (crs) definition is formatted according to the OGC Name Type Specification:{authority}/{version}/{code}
  where {authority} designates the authority responsible for the definition of the crs
  (usually “EPSG” or “OGC”), and {version} designates the specific version of the crs
  (“0” (zero) is used if there is no version).

    "cjsn_referenceSystem": "",


"pointOfContact" is defined through

    "cjsn_contactName": "arkriger", 
    "cjsn_emailAddress": "", 
    "cjsn_website": "", 
    "cjsn_contactType": "private",


Acknowledging the source of the raster DEM is possible.

    "cjsn_+meta-description": "Chief Directorate: National Geo-spatial Information",
    "cjsn_+meta-sourceSpatialResolution": "25 meter raster DEM",
    "cjsn_+meta-sourceReferenceSystem": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:20481",

The osm attribution and osm_LoD1_3DCityModel processing is hardcoded (fixed) as:

    "source": [
           "description": "OpenStreetMap contributors",
           "sourceReferenceSystem": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326",
           "sourceCitation": "",
    "processStep": {
            "description" : "Processing of building vector contributions <raster DEM> using osm_LoD1_3DCityModel workflow",
             "processor": {
                   "contactName": param['cjsn_contactName'],
                   "contactType": param['cjsn_contactType'],
                   "website": ""