What do I need?

Table of contents

  1. Ingredients
  2. Folder Structure


Depending of the processing strategy the needs are slightly different.

osm_LoD1_3DCityModel InteractiveOnly
This workflow creates a LoD1 3D City Model
(buildings and terrain) from
OpenStreetMap (osm) contributions
with elevation from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM)*
This strategy creates a basic 3D visualization from
OpenStreetMap (osm) contributions
raster DEM nothing is necessary

* for the purposes of geo3D a DEM is a bare earth raster grid. The surface of the Earth free of man-made and natural (trees, buildings, etc.) features.

Folder Structure

The recommended folder structure is:

│   osm_LoD1_3DCityModel.ipynb
│   param.json
|   interactive.ipynb
│   │   dem.tif
│   │   