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What do I need?

Table of contents

  1. Ingredients
  2. Folder Structure


A raster Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is necessary. For the purposes of osm_LoD1_3DCityModel a DEM is a bare-earth raster grid; the surface of the earth free of natural and man-made features.

Hereafter; depending of the processing strategy the needs are slightly different.

Village/CampusDistrict [This is on hold]
With the Village/Campus strategy nothing
more than the raster DEM is necessary. osm_LoD1_3DModel will call overpass-turbo for the osm contributions
osm_LoD1_3DModel will access osm contributions through Pyrosm

Due to the substantial amounts of data in the osm.pbf extract; Districts requires a bit more.

osm_LoD1_3DModel uses osmconvert to make the osm.pbf more manageable.
It does this through selecting only the data from a specific area.

osm.poly files, that cover various regions around the world, are available for this very purpose.
raster DEM raster DEM;
osmconvert and a osm.poly file for a region of choice

Folder Structure

The recommended folder structure is:

│   param.json
|   osmconvert.exe
|   interactive.ipynb
│   │   dem.tif
│   │   region.poly